After our triumphant start to Team Quest things started to get a bit more serious! High on the back of a win we started looking at getting to regionals - we didn't care if it was a fluke ;o)
Team Photo! |
Our second competition came off the back of a really busy week for me (although I'm not sure I have anything bar busy weeks at the moment) and didn't quite as expected. I'd had an amazing lesson the day before and Buddy had worked really hard and felt super so I was hopeful for amazing things. Buddy came off the lorry breathing fire, he was hot as hell, I was concerned whether I'd be able to get on without any drama! But I needn't of worried - he held onto himself for me to get on and then we jogged off to the warm up. He eventually softened and relaxed and I was getting my lesson feeling. I had a big grin.
Looking handsome at Wellington |
We went into the arena and he died on me a bit but still managed to spook and spin at the judge when she opened her car door to ask my number! The trot work felt amazing, he died in the canter on both reins (he just wasn't off my leg enough) and the walk was a bit lethargic but I thought the trot work would have made up for it and we'd be ok with a mid 60's test. After the team had all ridden we went back and checked our scores - Lucy was on an amazing 77%, Emily on 73% (again) and I was on.. 61%. I was gutted. As the girls had such amazing scores we still managed to win but it was bittersweet for me. I sent the video to my YO and instructor who all agreed that the mistakes would have been costly but that it was still a 65-67% test in their opinion.
Next up we were back to Wellington - it was a manic crazy day for me as I'd had a saddle fitting in the morning and despite asking for late times I'd been put pretty much at the start of the class! So poor old donkey was the smartest horse for a saddle fitting ever and was chucked on the lorry an we arrived with 20 mins before our test. He wasn't as soft as I would have liked but in we went for our test anyway! I was pleased with the work, would have liked a bit more from him but we did all the things in the right places so I was pleased when I came out. Back to the scoreboard and we had done well as a team this time! Emily on 71%, Lucy on 66% and I was on 69%. It wasn't quite good enough for the win (we lost out by 0.75) but a fabulous second.
Gloomy at BCA |
Then, last weekend we were back to BCA. It was the same test and the same judge so I wasn't expecting greatness but he'd been great in the week leading up to it (I'd actually managed to ride) and we'd had a fabulous lesson on the Thursday prior. He warmed up well and we did a sweet test. Not a record breaker but we did all the things in the right places and I was pleased with him as I don't find it an easy test to ride. I was expecting a 65-67% considering the improvement from the previous occasion. I couldn't have been more wrong!! Worst result I've ever had - 56%. Luckily our team photographer had come along and video'd the test so I can see that he did go well but it's still incredibly disheartening to have such a bad score when it's undeserved. It also meant that we stood very little chance of doing well in the team standings and we were lucky to come 9th - I'd thought we'd not get anything!! We are still 3rd in the Central team rankings though so are still on track for regionals, with the top 15 teams getting a qualifying spot.
I am flip flopping between personal best and personal worst scores doing TQ so it's a bit of a rollercoaster ride but I am loving my dressage at the moment. I am doing my first proper BD this weekend - again it's not been the best week for preparation but it will be interesting to see how we do there... I am very little expectations but it would be nice to get over 60%
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